School Administration
Lev Stark
Executive Director
[javascript protected email address]
Ext. 288
Hadassah Smolarcik, M.S. Ed.
Judaic Studies Principal, Grades 1-8
[javascript protected email address]
Ext. 268
Shireen Butman
General Studies Principal, Grades 1-5
[javascript protected email address]
Ext. 289
Rina Lanner
General Studies Principal, Middle School
[javascript protected email address]
Ext. 291
Gwenn Baer
Early Childhood Director, EC2-Kindergarten
[javascript protected email address]
Ext. 218
Suzanne Rice
Director of Development
[javascript protected email address]
Ext. 225
Lev Stark, B.A., Executive Director
Hadassah Smolarcik, M.S. Ed., Judaic Studies Principal, Grades 1-8
Shireen Butman, B.A., General Studies Principal, Grades 1-5
Rina Lanner, M.S. Ed., General Studies Principal, Middle School
Gwenn Baer, M. Ed., Early Childhood Director
Suzanne Rice, B.S., Director of Development
Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees of Katz Hillel Day School of Boca Raton is the school’s governing body. As the governing body, the Board is charged with strategic planning, evaluating the school’s administration, establishing the school’s policies, and setting the annual operating budget.
Each trustee member serves voluntarily and is expected to assist in his/her function with the school’s best interest in mind. Personal agendas are not addressed by the Board of Trustees.
The president of the Board of Trustees is the direct line of communication between the Board of Trustees and the administration of the school. Board of Trustee members are not able to assist individual parents with personal issues. Please refer to the Parent/Teacher Manual for more information regarding the school’s operational structure so that you can better understand the management and governance of our school.
All parents in the school are invited and encouraged to join a committee and become involved in Katz Hillel Day School of Boca Raton. This is the best way to learn about the wonderful things that take place throughout the year.
2024-2025 Board of Trustees
Executive Committee
Daniel Katz, President
Amy Tarlowe, Vice President
Gil Stein, Treasurer
Liora Adler, M.D., Secretary
Naomi Katz, PTA Co-President
Anna Jacobs, PTA Co-President
Orlie Cohen, Ph.D.
Teddy Struhl
Board of Trustees
Joe Averbook
Sandy Cohen
Jennifer Epstein
Deena Ganz
Yitty Garden, D.M.D.
Daniel Krasna
Evan Landau, M.D.
Adir Levy
Rivka Schlager, Esq.
Eliezer Seidenfeld, D.M.D.
Mor Shapiro, M.D.
Ashi Weisstuch, M.D.
Michael Welner, M.D.
Honorary Trustees
Rabbi Rael Blumenthal
Rabbi Yaakov Gibber
Rabbi Efrem Goldberg
Rabbi Philip Moskowitz